Jesus – The Guarantor of  a Better Covenant

Jesus – The Guarantor of a Better Covenant

Today marks Ash Wednesday, or the beginning of Lent in the liturgical church calendar. Although our church does not follow the liturgical calendar, and at times for good reason, I believe there is still benefit to acknowledging some of the patterns and rhythms that...
Don’t Despise the Law

Don’t Despise the Law

As we come out of Exodus and begin breaking into Leviticus, I have to admit, I always get a little…uneasy. For someone who feels deeply and desires meaningful connection, I often tie my experiences to my emotions. This is not a prescribed way of living, but I...
God of Genesis

God of Genesis

If you’ve never read through the Bible before, or even the Old Testament, the last few weeks of walking through Genesis and Job have no doubt left you with a myriad of questions. Why did these men live so long? Where did these strange practices come from? How did the...
Struggle with Unbelief

Struggle with Unbelief

We as a church have been reading Job the last few days if you’ve been following along with our Bible-in-a-year plan. Most people who have been in church for some time are at least vaguely familiar with Job: he’s the guy who Satan takes everything away...