“Then He said to them all, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will save it. What is a man benefited if he gains the whole world, yet loses or forfeits himself?” (Luke 9:23-25)


What a fantastic time of Worship we had on Sunday, God’s spirit filled the place and he sang through each one of you as you led in Worship. Thank you for being open to the Lord’s guidance as you lead in worship. This week the choir will be singing “Sweeter as the days Go by” in both services. Please be in the Choir room by 8:00 am for the early service, and again at 10:45 am for the second service.

Kathy Perry will sing the Vocal Praise in both services.

Mable Brown will play the piano in the 8:15 service.

Kathy Perry will play the piano in the 10:45 service.

Virgie McGill will play the keyboard in both services.

The Praise Team will sing in the 10:45 service. The Praise Team singers will be Sharon Doyle, Nancy Logan, Kathy and Bradley Perry.

No rehearsals this evening due to Labor Day Weekend.

A make up Choir rehearsal has been scheduled for Wednesday evening September 5 at 6:00 pm


We had a great time of food and fellowship as we celebrated Christmas in August last Saturday. If you are planning on Participating in the Christmas program the books and rehearsal C.D.’S are available in the choir room at your convenience. Work will begin on the program during our Make-up rehearsal on Wednesday September 5 at 6:00 pm. If you are participating you will need to attend two rehearsals a month beginning in no later than October. It would also be much appreciated since you will be attending rehearsals anyway if you would stay through the entire rehearsal and help us out on our Sunday morning music for the duration of the time that you will be participating. However if that is an impossibility we will take you however we can get you. It is important to me that the product that we produce in choir is something that first of all pleases God, and we can all be proud of. The only way that we can produce such a product is rehearsal. Many have said to me that they like to sing, but they just don’t like to come to rehearsals. If this is your attitude let me remind you that 95% of making music is rehearsing. Please don’t miss that very important step in the music making process. See you at rehearsal!!!


Walking in a close relationship to God is very important to all Christians, however as Music Ministry Participants so many times we miss out on activities that would help us grow spiritually because we are involved in rehearsals when spiritual growth activities occur. I am implementing some new things that I hope will help you grow closer to the Lord. The first thing is every Monday I will send you a question of the week for you to ponder and think about all week long. It is hoped that these questions will help take your mind off the everyday mundane tasks and cause you to think about God.This weeks question is: If the world around me lived by the standards of righteousness that I have set in my life, what kind of world wold it be? “. The second thing is a devotional thought that will be published every week. The third thing is we will begin having a devotion prior to each rehearsal every week, Bradley Perry will lead this devotion time. It is my hope that these things as well as your participation in this ministry will draw you close to God in relationship. You will also be made aware of spiritual growth activities that you could attend. The first of those activities is the revival coming up on September 9-12. The revival begins on that Sunday morning in both worship services, and continues every evening, Sunday-Wednesday at 6:30 with lunch meetings from noon to 1:00 Monday- Wednesday. Please use this time for your own Spiritual growth and development by attending as many services as possible. There will be no rehearsals during the revival to aid you in that endeavor.


We will be having another open choir rehearsal on Sunday evening September 16 at 6:00 pm in the Choir room. If you are interested or know of someone that is interested in joining Choir invite them to come.


Sunday,Sept. 2- Labor Day Weekend, No Rehearsals

Wednesday, Sept. 5- Make-up Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm (Work begins on Christmas Program)

Sunday, Sept. 9- Revival 8:15 and 10:45 am, 6:30 pm, No rehearsals

Monday, Sept. 10- Revival 12:00 noon and 6:30 pm

Tuesday, Sept. 11- Revival 12:00 noon and 6:30 pm

Wednesday, Sept. 12- Revival 12:00 noon and 6:30 pm

Sunday, Sept. 16- Open Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm, Praise Team 7:00 pm

Wednesday, Sept. 19- Make-up Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm (This is make-up for revival week)

Sunday, Sept. 23- Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm, Praise Team 7:00 pm.

Sunday, Sept. 30- Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm, Praise Team 7:00 pm

” The secrets of the kingdom of God have been given for you to know…” (Luke:8:10a)