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Download Tentative Schedule here.

D-Now 2012: Surrender

Students and Parents: the information below should help you answer a few of the most common questions regarding D-Now.  If you have any questions that are unanswered here, please do not hesitate to call me at the church office: 573-468-8044 (Bradley Perry).

What is D-Now?

D-Now (Disciple Now) is a weekend of worship, teaching, small groups, and much more!  We will spend Friday and Saturday night at different host homes around Sullivan (around 8-10 per home) according to gender.  During the day we will be in the new youth room at Temple Baptist Church.  Transportation and meals will be provided for all students.  The goal of splitting up into smaller groups is for the purpose of unity, community, spiritual discussion and connectivity.  Each host home will also have one to two adult leaders.  There will be multiple times set aside for praise and worship, as well as four teaching sessions throughout Friday and Saturday.

What will we be studying and who is leading?

Our theme for the weekend will be Surrender.  We will be following along in a four-session study by Francis Chan.  Each teaching session will be lead by a different adult leader and will be paired with a video teaching by Francis Chan.

When is D-Now?

The D-Now will run from Friday, August 10th-Sunday, August 12th.    We will meet at the church at 6:00pm on Friday and pick up will need to be at 12:00 noon on Sunday.

Will students be allowed to leave during the course of the weekend?

NO!  Once you arrive we need everyone to stay at the church or with their designated group.  Students will not be allowed to drive to and from the host homes, you must ride with your group.

What should I bring?

Clothing (Note, we will have a recreation time on Saturday, and are attending church on Sunday)


Sleeping bag & Pillow


Notepad & Pen

Extra Snacks (Some will be provided)

Good attitude

FRIENDS- we want everyone to bring as many people as they can, the bigger the better!