Frequently Asked Questions

We have created a list of the most common questions we receive from parents. If you don’t see your question please feel free to Contact Us.
What ages can attend iXL Academy?
iXL Academy preschool enrolls potty-trained children ages two through five who are beyond toddler age and interested in learning or interacting with other children.

iXL After School enrolls school-aged children from Kindergarten through age fourteen.
Can iXL Academy offer a more flexible schedule?
By design, preschool programs are structured like schools. Preschools have limited hours of operation and close on holidays, and weekends, during inclement weather, and during fall, summer, and spring breaks. While iXL Academy has expanded hours and a summer program to intentionally assist working parents who want their child to be in the preschool environment, we do not offer the kind of flexibility you might expect from a daycare.
Is iXL Academy Licensed?
iXL Academy Preschool is a state-regulated, license-exempt program. Our preschool is regulated by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and is subject to yearly on-site health, sanitation, and safety inspections.

While it is true that license-exempt programs are not required to comply with all of the same standards as a licensed facility, iXL Academy chooses to go above and beyond what is required to ensure the safety of the children in our care. We require our teachers and volunteers to register with the Family Care Safety Registry, we conduct regular background checks, we require CPR certification for our teaching staff, and we carefully consider our student-to-staff ratios. 
What is your student/teacher ratio?
The ratio established by iXL Academy is 1 staff member for every 13 preschoolers ages 2 to 5. However, we limit our preschool classrooms with younger students to 1 staff member for every 8 or 10 preschoolers depending on age. In addition, iXL hires teaching assistants to help our preschool teachers in the classroom.

Our After School classrooms have been approved for a maximum of 16 students per staff member. We strive to have at least one other staff member or volunteer present with our After School students when we are nearing ratio capacity.
How do naps work at iXL Preschool?
Children enrolled in our extended-day and full-day preschool programs will take naps. Parents will need to bring fresh bedding at the beginning of each week, including a crib sheet, blanket, and small pillow. The bedding will be sent home at the end of the week to be laundered.
Do you serve lunch?
No. If your child is enrolled in our Preschool program or Summer program you must send your child with a lunch each day. We do provide nutritious snacks for our Preschool and After School students.
How safe is iXL Academy for my child?
Our Children and Youth Education Building was built in 2011. It was designed with child care and preschool in mind, specifically to meet all code requirements for a childcare facility. Our facility includes state-of-the-art security systems, fire alarms, fire sprinkler systems, classroom door locks, tamper-resistant receptacles, and video surveillance. Our video surveillance system includes 36 high-definition cameras that give us a 360-degree view of the exterior of the building, as well as a video feed of each classroom. In addition, the iXL Academy building remains locked during school hours, making sure that only people who are authorized and properly screened may enter the building. Our doors are equipped with remote lock/unlock and video, which allows us to identify who is at the door and remotely unlock.

In addition, our buildings and grounds are regularly maintained and inspected to make sure all safety systems are kept in good working condition. We make every effort to ensure your child is in a safe and secure environment when they are in our care.
What is the difference between Pre-K and Preschool tuition pricing?
Our preschool pricing is for younger children who are not quite old enough (ready) to go to Kindergarten. These classrooms require more resources and additional staff to provide quality care. Our Pre-K pricing is for students who will be eligible for Kindergarten the following school year.
Why are iXL payments and fees non-refundable?
iXL Academy makes plans to pay staff, buy supplies, and pay for other operating expenses each month based on the number of children enrolled in the program. We continue to incur these monthly costs based on your child’s enrollment even when your child is ill, on vacation, or not attending for any other reason. To continue to support the program and the staff, our fees, and monthly tuition payments must be non-refundable.
What if I decide not to attend or need to pull my child out of iXL Academy before the end of the year?
Parents are free to withdraw their child from the program at any time provided that written notice is given to iXL Academy stating the day services are to be terminated and the reason for withdrawal. It should be noted that all registration fees and tuition payments are non-refundable. Termination of services will only apply to all future tuition payments. Written notice should be given BEFORE the first day of the following month. Failure to notify iXL Academy of withdrawal before the first of the following month obligates parents to pay 100% of the following month’s tuition.
What should my child wear?
Children should be dressed in comfortable, practical play clothes and dressed for the weather.
What if I can't pick up my child? Can someone else do it?
Only those individuals authorized on your enrollment form can pick up your child. Our staff has the right to check the photo IDs of individuals picking up your child and the right to deny release to individuals who are not listed on the enrollment form.

If you need to notify iXL Academy of someone picking up your child who is not authorized on your enrollment form you must call the director, Mallori Pereogy, to receive temporary authorization. This may be used as a one-time, last-minute resort and does not constitute blanket authorization for that person to continue to pick up your child.
What is the severe weather policy?
iXL Academy follows the Sullivan School District’s decisions as a guide for our inclement weather policy. The Preschool and After School programs will be canceled when the Sullivan School District closes. No refunds or credits are given for inclement weather closings.
What is your discipline policy?
iXL Academy strives to teach and model behavior by handling discipline in a calm, respectful way using a positive approach. We do not inflict corporal punishment in any manner upon a child or use any strategy that hurts, shames, humiliates, ridicules, threatens, intimidates, or belittles a child. Our approach is to be as proactive and patient as possible.

For acts of aggression and fighting (biting, scratching, hitting) iXL staff will calmly set appropriate boundaries for the aggressor to teach the child how to solve problems more appropriately. Persistent, serious, and challenging behaviors in children may result in a meeting with parents to develop and implement an individualized plan that supports a child’s inclusion and success in the program.

A student may be dismissed from the program if they persist in unresolved egregious, aggressive, and/or unmanageable hostility toward staff, other children, or property.
Can my children and or my family attend special events offered by the church?
Absolutely! Throughout the year, Temple Baptist Church will hold special events at which the public is welcome. These include Vacation Bible School, Fall Festival, Christmas productions, Wednesday Evening Programming, and many other events. You are also welcome to attend church with us on Sunday mornings during the 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. worship services. You do not need to be a member of the church to participate in these activities.